Our true nature is happiness

Passion is a driving force for new creation in this world. It seems though, as we get older, the passion gets dimmer. It’s like the years of living, stops the belief in ourselves and the immense power we have within. Maybe it is society that has shaped you into caring about certain things that is aligned with what the society should be, in the idea of society and the norm that goes hand in hand with the consumer society based on economical profit alone. Are you as confused as me?


What happened with basing our life decisions on what will increase our happiness? And when did this become synonyms with material wealth? Our true nature is happiness. Happiness is our path, but somehow with the development of society we seem to have forgotten. I might not have money in the bank, but I feel sooooooooooo rich!!! My wealth is measured in genuine smiles, joy, laughter and happiness I feel each day. Don’t get me wrong, somedays I am poor as well 😂 Emotional unstable, angry, frustrated that we are not able to create everything we want due to some limitations, but most of the time I feel very, very, very grateful and overwhelmed by the wealth of happiness I am fortunate to have. I took different, weird, choices that might not have been aligned with societies norm, but it was choices that felt right for me. When we first bought our land, Hagabrekka, most people thought it was a dump (and to be fair we did collect almost two tons of trash only that first couple of months 😄), not to mention how crazy it is to live without electricity and running water out in nowhere. But it has blossomed into this amazing beautiful space of community which are growing and taking form in this continuous journey of learning. This land that we call home, the space of community is continuing to fill my heart with joy, and I am unbelievably happy that I followed my heart.

We are still mainly perceived as very weird, as our choices are not compatible with how most people think we should live. But you know what? I think weirdness is an awesome quality! Synonyms of the word is oddity, peculiarity, quirk, eccentricity, strangeness. Antonyms include normality, usualness, conformity, regularity, sameness. What do you want to be? Normal, same and regular, just going with the flow or do you want to be the unique, different, maybe odd in some ways, amazing individual you truly are? We all have some weirdness in us, in many ways I feel that weirdness is what makes changes in the world. The bravery to be different, being your true self, in spite of what people may think. Allowing your own weirdness to lead you onto your true lifepath towards happiness on your own premises, not the idea of happiness that society has created for you to follow.

Remember to listen to that gut feeling, listen to your heart when you decide how to live your life! Can you reminisce when you were a kid and had all kind of big dreams and no doubt that you would make it!? ❤🔥 Lets all celebrate our weirdness today, happy weirdness day!


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