Wanderlust YOGA

For all yoga- and naturelovers out there!

Our Mission

Is to live in coherence with nature, creating and sharing happiness as well as our passion for yoga and the environment. We have a holistic approach towards sustainability, perceiving it as a belief system integrating all aspects of life. Yoga is not merely a practice but a way of living and a toolbox to create the life you want. We are offering learning experiences, retreats, journeys and adventures, that we hope not only will give new experiences and perception to people, but also support them in their journey of creating a happy, fulfilling, peaceful existence.

Yoga in Nature

Welcome to experience yoga and reconnect to nature. There is something very special to be able to bathe in the energy of the wild nature, to have the abundance and beauty of nature all around you, being in the midst of it all, to feel the sun kiss your skin, the winds gentle touch, the feeling of life when the rain drops meet your face, the fresh air entering your lungs with every breath you take. Reminding ourselves that nature is not something separate from us, we are nature.

Building Community at Hagabrekka

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo Buscaglia. The importance of community and human connections is sometimes undervalued in an increasingly individualized society with focus on independence. But to be independent is in our opinion not in any way contradictory to community, these are two aspects that can perfectly coexist, we even feel that a strong community can increase your independence. Whatever you bring of knowledge or value into a community will increase every individual’s knowledge, as others knowledge will increase yours. Not to mention the support of goals and every person’s unique desires. With a strong support system behind you it is always easier to go the path that you really want to go, even if it seems uncertain. A community is a force helping to ensure the wellbeing of each individual. How beautiful is the human connections that helps us to be the best version of ourselves, that gives you the courage to dare to be the unique extraordinary person that you are, to find that fire within and follow it!

Product line ~ Natural and handmade with environmental consciousness