Sustainable living initiatives for the beginner
Maybe you have decided that you would like to live more sustainable, but you don’t really know how to go about it? Well, look no further, here is some practical tips on how to make small changes in your life that is applicable for everyone. Like Margaret Mead once said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”.
I think that we often think that all these big environmental questions are too far away from our own reality and I often hear ‘I can’t do anything that will make a difference’. But I truly think that the sum of small actions, what we all do combine, is what makes the big changes in the world! So, I will try to answer the questions on how you can as an individual invest in our planet, starting to integrate small changes into your daily life.
- Use reusables (totebags for your shopping, nets for veggies etc.) skip the plastic
- Eat more plant-based (this really is the number one thing you can do as an individual that will have the most impact on the environment). Maybe invite friends over for a plant-based meal, show them how tasty it can be and spread the enthusiasm about trying vegan food.
- Turn of the lights, heating, electric devices when you are not home
- Bring your own bamboo straw, ‘nisteboks’ (food container), cutleries etc. avoid all one-time use plastics, if you have dinner leftovers it will make and awesome lunch the next day
- Bicycle instead of taking the car when possible, or choose public transportation
- Reduce water consumption by never leaving the taps open (while brushing, showering etc.)
- Don’t litter – if you see any trash lying around always pick it up
- Reduce your waste, recycle and compost what you can (if you have a garden, start your own compost to create your own free nutritious soil for growing veggies)
- Never throw away food, leftovers are a great source of being creative the next day
- Fix and upcycle things instead of buying new, when you really need something buy second hand
- Establish a little spot in the garden (if you have one) with native wild vegetation for pollinators
- Plant a tree or grow some of your own organic veggies
- Limit your use of chemicals and when you use them dispose of them in a responsible way
- Educate yourself and your children, friends, other family about the environment
- Know what you are buying - choose sustainable products
- Inform and share knowledge about this to others
- Gain knowledge about the wonderful wildlife in your area and share it with friends and family. Hug a tree, remember to cultivate gratitude for everything that mother nature is providing us every day. Go out and be in nature.
Now this last one might seem weird to you. But I will explain it with this beautiful quote; ‘The way we see the world shapes the way we treat it. If a mountain is a deity, not a pile of ore… If a forest is a sacred grove, not timber… If other species are biological kin, not resources... Or if our planet is our mother, not an opportunity… Then we will treat each other with greater respect. Thus is the challenge, to look at the world from a different perspective.’ – David Suzuki

Love N Light,